Please find below some common queries pertaining to the GBM-3 of the AETFOCMSL and explanation of these.
Section I. Conduct of the GBM
1. When and where is the GBM-3 scheduled?
A. The 3rd GBM of the AETFOCMSL is scheduled to be held from 9.30am on Sunday, 8th May, 2022 within the AET premises.
2. Who can attend the GBM?
A. All registered members of the AETFOCMSL can attend the GBM. Spouses/immediate family members can accompany the member but will not have voting or contesting rights. Due to space and time constraints, we encourage participation of one member per flat.
3. If the apartment is the name of joint family members and the same is mentioned in the sale deed, are they also allowed to attend the meeting in person?
A. Yes, but only registered members of AETFOCMSL can vote (one allowed per flat). Due to space and time constraints, we encourage participation of one member per flat.
4. When was the GBM announced?
A. As per the regulations of the Cooperative Society Maintainence Act and our bye-laws, the notice of the GBM was e-mailed to all members of the Society, displayed on the physical and electronic notice boards, shared on whatsapp/telegram groups and printed in prominent newspapers of the city including an English and a vernacular newspaper. The agenda items have also been shared well in advance. The same has been shared and approved by the Dy. Registrar of Societies, Golconda.
5. Will e-voting on resolutions be allowed?
As per section 25(1) of Telangana Cooperative societies Act of 1964, every member shall have one vote in the affairs of the society and shall exercise his vote in person and not by proxy. There is no such provision in the act to allow e-voting currently.
6. Will there be live coverage of the GBM?
A. The GBM committee has discussed this and recognised that a live broadcast through Zoom / YouTube will increase transparency of the proceedings. However, we will not be able to validate membership or regulate attendance in the live broadcast, so comments or questions through that forum cannot be admitted. Sharing the video recording (which is done anyway) of the GBM proceedings achieves the same transparency as a live broadcast without additional logistical requirements. The GBM committee has therefore recommended for sharing the recording of entire proceedings of GBM with all the Members post the GBM in lieu of a live broadcast.
Section II. Resolutions – Amendments to the Bye-laws

1. Why is this amendment being made?
A. This is a simple amendment to correct the words used in the provision of the act to allow only the current owner of a flat to be a member of the society and a share certificate will be issued as per the byelaws.

1. What does this amendment mean?
A. In case of any vote or poll on resolutions or to decide any other matter other than election of members, the item securing maximum number of votes polled by members present (upon achieving the requisite quorum for the meeting) would be considered as the winner / voted for.
2. Why is it necessary?
A. If there are more than two options to choose from, then it becomes difficult to obtain a 51% vote for any option. Hence it is suggested that the option that secures the most votes be considered as the winner / voted for.

1. Why is the total number of MC/Board members being increased?
A. Currently, the number of MC members stands at 7 including one reserved for SC/ST category and two for women. For a society as large as AET, it makes sense to have a larger governing body so that the burden of work gets shared among more shoulders. Hence it has been proposed to increase the number of MC members from 7 to 13.
2. Why is block level representation being sought?
A. In the past MC, there was no representation from one of the blocks and a few members have opined that issues pertaining to that block were not given priority. To ensure that no block feels compromised or left out and to ensure enhanced governance, it was suggested by the Dy. Registrar that AETFOCMSL MC must have some some compulsory representation from all blocks. Hence, it was decided that there be two members from each block to make up the 10 non-reserved positions in the MC.
3. Will one vote only for their block representatives?
A. No, all eligible voters will have the right to vote for all 13 posts of the MC, with the limitation that they vote for a maximum of two members per block for the non-reserved positions.
4. If less than two nominations are received from any of the blocks, will the shortfall be filled by members of other blocks?
A. No, if less than two nominations are received under the non-reserved category from any block, that seat would remain vacant.
5. Are the reserved categories exempt from block level representations?
A. Yes, the one SC/ST category and two women’s representations in the MC will be open for all members of the society without any block level segregations.
Section III. Other Resolutions
Resolution: Approval of Legal Fee Payment
1. What is the legal fee for?
A. As per the previous GBM resolution AETFOCMSL is proceeding legally against the AHIDCO (builder) for non-completion of the project in various fora. There is an FIR against MC of AETFOCMSL filed by the employee of builder and a quash petition was filed against the FIR by our legal counsel in the Telangana High Court. The approximate cost of these would be around INR Six Lakh rupees plus other expenses.
2. What are the legal cases that we have filed?
A. AETFOCMSL filed a writ petition at High Court of Telangana to take action against builder for furnishing false information and obtaining clearance from statutory bodies (GHMC, Fire Dept., HMWSSB etc). Additionally, a case is filed at the National Consumer Forum, New Delhi for delinquency in services rendered by the builder.
Resolution: Appointment of Legal counsel and his/her fee
1. Why do we need a legal counsel?
A. There are many legal issues that crop up from time to time that need legal advice. These comprise (but are not limited to) Police cases, violation of bye-laws, violation of government regulations by residents, other internal issues, recovery of pending dues, etc.
2. Would this legal counsel be different from those involved in the cases against the builder?
A. No, the same person will be our legal counsel and will handle the day-to-day cases or any minor matters that arise at the local level.
Resolution: Appointment of End to End Facility Management Services
1. What is an E2E FMS?
A. An end to end Facility management service is an agency contracted to look after all services like housekeeping, security, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, helpdesk and accounting services under one umbrella.
2. What type of services we availing at AET currently?
A. Currently, Housekeeping and Security services are being outsourced to professional agencies while other services like mechanical, plumbing, electrical, etc are being handled by personnel employed by the Society.
If you have any more doubts or queries regarding the GBM-3, please leave a comment below and the GBM team will respond to the same at the earliest.